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  • 종교ㆍ언론ㆍ단체14
Failed attempt to kill Lee Jae-myung:Trilateral Conspiracy?(5)


(지난 호에 이어)


The troubling fact is that it is quasi impossible to stop the judiciary trap, because the Korean prosecutor office is the most powerful organization in the world. There is no power which cam punish prosecutor up to now.


Fortunately, in 2023 the National Assembly adopted a law allowing the impeachment of prosecutors. But it has very limited authority. So, the judiciary trap continues.


Elimination of Lee Jae-myung


Lee Jae-myung goes much further than Moon Jae-in in uprooting the social, political and financial infrastructure of the corrupted AKF.


Lee cannot be bought with bribes. Hence, he must be eliminated by other means. There are two ways of eliminating Lee. One is the judicial trap killing, while the other is physical murdering.


Lee Jae-myung is trapped in the judiciary trap.


First, he is accused of corruption cases. One is the use of the value added tax income from large private housing development for the project of low rent rental dwelling construction project while Lee was the mayor of Sungnam city. The prosecutor's office argues that, some of the value added tax is embezzled by Lee. There is no proof.


Second, the other case is this. Lee used empty public land for local soccer team. Lee obtained some funds from local business community. The prosecutor's office accuses Lee of putting a part of this donation funds in his pocket. There is no proof.


The prosecutor's office has conducted 367 house searches in two years at Lee's house, his offices and even homes of his remote relatives.


But it has failed to find any evidence of Lee's corruption. What is more inhuman is that Lee has to go the police three times a week for investigation.


What make the people disgusted is the fact that he was summoned one day after Lee's 25-day fasting. Lee could hardly walk then. Yoon might have hoped that Lee would die on the way to the police station.


Third, there was another land scandal used to connect Lee to corruption scandal. It is the land scandal of Dae-jang-dong.


Lee was originally accused by one of senior members of the DPK out of jealousy. This person lost his presidential candidacy to Lee Jae-myung at the 2022 presidential election.


The irony is that the people deeply involved and pocketed millions of dollars are members of Yoon's party, PPP. The case is now the object of the Parliament's Special Investigation.


As for the abuse of power, while Lee Jae-myung was the governor of Kyunggi province, Lee's wife asked one of the secretarial staff of Lee to run an errand of buying beef for $7.0. This accusation is just ridiculous.


What is alarming is that the Western media copy what the corrupted Korean media say about fabricated story of corruption and abuse of power of Lee without investigation the reliability of these stories.


Moreover, the Western media do not mention the criminal activities of the wife of Yoon and ministers and vice-ministers of the Yoon's government.


The criminal activities of Mrs. Yoon, Kim Keun-hee is so extensive that the National Assembly adopted a law of Special Parliament Investigation of her crimes.


But Yoon exercised his presidential veto power to refuse the law. Just imagine how mad man Yoon is. He has imprisoned so many innocent people, but he tries to hide his wife's crimes.


(다음 호에 계속)



<저작권자(c) 부동산캐나다 한인뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지 >

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