추천업소 선택:
추천업소 그룹 리스트
  • 식품ㆍ음식점ㆍ쇼핑1
  • 부동산ㆍ건축ㆍ생활2
  • 미용ㆍ건강ㆍ의료3
  • 자동차ㆍ수리ㆍ운송4
  • 관광ㆍ하숙ㆍ스포츠5
  • 이민ㆍ유학ㆍ학교6
  • 금융ㆍ보험ㆍ모기지7
  • 컴퓨터ㆍ인터넷ㆍ전화8
  • 오락ㆍ유흥ㆍPC방9
  • 법률ㆍ회계ㆍ번역10
  • 꽃ㆍ결혼ㆍ사진11
  • 예술ㆍ광고ㆍ인쇄12
  • 도매ㆍ무역ㆍ장비13
  • 종교ㆍ언론ㆍ단체14



Some readers could be familiar with the poet Rumi, so I do not need an introduction about him.

Even though he was born in Persian, his powerful words and quotes have made quite an impact on the United States as well whole world. His poetry has a timeless quality and remains pertinent to human life today.



As he said no human being is perfect, and all humans need to find their purpose in a higher power.

He also stressed friendship strongly, that stay together, friends. Don't scatter and sleep, our friendship is made of being awake.

As a philosopher, he said Silence brings a chance to taste the core of our being. Raise our words, not our voice.

It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. This word is good for some politicians who promise more than what their candidate to get that position.


Life is a balance between holding on and letting go. In my case, I like to hold all kinds of things that I had to throw out a long time ago. When we look at the natural tree, when the seasons change trees drop dead leaves and wait for spring to get new leaves.


He talked about Forgiveness, since God forgives people, we as people can forgive those who have wronged us.

Rumi's work invites the reader to grow and change in a positive way, but that is not an easy matter to do.

The one word the most I like to remember is "Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you."

Our task is not to seek love, but merely to seek out and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it.


The most important matter in our living life is Death, and how we view that. For Rumi, he left a poem about Death.


On the day I die, when I'm being carried toward the grave, don't weep, Don't say, He's gone! He's gone,

Death has nothing to do with going away. The sunsets and the moon sets, but they are not gone.

Death is coming together. The tomb looks like a prison, but it is really released into the union.


The human seed goes down into the ground like a bucket there into the well where Joseph is.

It grows and comes up full of some unimagined beauty.

Your mouth closes here and immediately opens with a shout of joy. His view of death is very positive.

At least death is not the end of the world like become ash or dust. I am afraid less now.


A quite few years ago, one of our priests was from Korea studying at the University of Toronto to upgrade his education.

On one of his Sunday homily, he introduced Rumi's poem to us. At that time, I did not appreciate it very much, later,

I happened to read about his poems, and after that, I bought a book called "The Soul of Rumi by Barks.


For more than 5 years, whenever I have a chance, I choose a couple of pages to read at the end of my day.

Every time, the book gives me a refreshing feeling in my life, and think over a lot of things that happened during the daytime. (the first week of September)




<저작권자(c) 부동산캐나다 한인뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지 >

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